ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

My Profile

Name: Sharon J. E.
Alias: Lady Wakefield
Birthdate: September 27, 1979
Location: Kuwait
Home Country: Philippines

  • KAC Employee (full time); the rest of the time - I'm a blogger, wannabe writer, JMF birthday organizer hehehe ..., board moderator, flash animator, graphics maker, housemaid, baker

  • Hobbies and Interests:
  • Books, Reading, Writing, Blogging, Making flash/animated/non-animated graphics, web surfing, Music, Singing in private, baking, biking, cooking, arts and crafts, sketching

  • Favorite Books:
  • Once & Always, Paradise, A Kingdom of Dreams, Something Wonderful, Whitney My Love, Until You, Almost Heaven, Perfect, Double Standards, Remember When, Tender Triumph, Someone To Watch Over Me, Every Breath You Take Night Whispers by JUDITH MCNAUGHT
  • Clayborne Series, Ransom and The Wedding by Julie Garwood
  • After The Night, Cry No More, Mr. Perfect, Shades of Twilight, To Die For and Drop Dead Gorgeous and MacKenzie series by Linda Howard
  • Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich
    The Bronze Horseman Trilogy by Paullina Simmons
  • Annie's Song and Forever and After by Catherine Anderson
    Wicked Angel by Julia London
  • Lady Be Good, Chicago Stars Series, Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
  • The Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • The Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn
  • The Wallflower Series, Again the Magic, Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
  • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
  • * Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

    Favorite Music:
    TV Shows:

    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    Writer's Block Forced on Me! LOOL!

    Sunday, December 03, 2006

    here are my answers!

    *A-Available/Single? Yes, very much single and available - not even taken!
    * B-Best Friend? My twin of course, though we tend to fight a lot too or rather I would often snap at her; Rodella and Cheryll, my HS best friends;
    * C-Cake or Pie? Hhhmmm Cake especially, chocolate, mango and ube (purple yam) in the PI
    * D-Drink Of Choice? Coca Cola Classic!!!! Nothing beats the real thing. LOL!
    * E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? Clothes? LOOL! Hhmmm Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion
    * F-Favorite Color? pink, pinK, piNK, pINK and PINK!
    * G-Gummy Bears Or Worms? I like Gummy Cola better LOL! But i'd choose Worms!
    * H-Hometown? Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
    * I-Indulgence? Books too, like T.
    * J-January Or February? January, because it's the start of a new year, where I feel so optimistic it's going to be my year. LOL!
    * K-Kids & Their Names? No kids yet :D
    * L-Life Is Incomplete Without? prayer/church/God, friends, family, music - the one which would always change my bad mood to a good one and BOOOK!!!
    * M-Marriage Date? See letter A :D
    * N-Number Of Siblings? 3 - a twin sister, a younger brother and the youngest sister
    *O-Oranges Or Apples? Apples
    *P-Phobias/Fears? I have no phobia really but I dislike cockroaches, earthworms and snakes. YIKES. FEAR: not finding the right man
    * Q-Favorite Quote? "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time but to leave unsaid the wrong things at the tempting moment."I know Jen has written the author of this quote in her blog but I gorgot to take note of it. It was Linda somthing i think.
    * R-Reason to Smile? I am more fortunate than millions people on this earth who's suffering from hunger, illness, handicap etc, I am alive, I am healthy, I am loved (I hope so) LOOL! Fanaughtics make me smile especially their kids. LOL!
    * S-Season? Winter (at least here in Kuwait)
    * T-Tag Three or Four People? Fiery Chatter, Jen, Maddie (if she's still checking here LOL) Kiki-belle (time to start your blog, you know!) :D
    * U-Unknown Fact About Me? unknown uuhhhmm- did you know I'm still a virgin? :D
    * V-Vegetable you don't like? A LOT!!! Asking the question which vegetable I like would generate a shorter list LOL! Ok, I don't like eggplant, cabbage, radish, ampalaya, tomato (though it's a fruit, right?)
    * W-Worst Habit? Procrastination
    * X-X-rays You've Had? Only chest xray so far for medical examination for job here.
    * Y-Your Favorite Food? Oh a lot!! LOOL! Spaghetti, pizza, chicken with pineapple, Sinigang, Filipino foods, lumpia shanghai, etc.
    * Z-Zodiac Sign? Libra

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    Getting to know you questions: 1

    Orig. written: Monday, September 25, 2006

    SO, ok, I copied these questions from T since they look interesting. I thought I'd give them a try answering so here are my answers.

    What is your salad dressing of choice?
    Nothing, not fond of veggie salad.

    What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
    Jollibee (Philippines)! My stomach's growling thinking about their hotdog sandwich. But here in Kuwait, McDonalds.

    What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
    Hhhmmm... Filipino restaurant here called Maharlika. And a Thai restaurant called Pattaya.

    On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 10% - here it's not even required, and believe me, the 10% tip is better than the others who don't tip at all.

    What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? SPAGHETTI!!!!! before it used to be spaghetti or pizza but I got sick of pizza a few months back. LOOL!

    What are your pizza toppings of choice? Only ham and pineapple and occasionally pepperoni. But most of the time, I order Hawaiian.

    What do you like to put on your toast? butter or melted butter with garlic powder (put on bread slices before toasting of course. makes a gread garlic bread ;) )

    What is your favorite type of gum? The mint flavored ones


    Number of contacts in your cell phone?
    Uhm, I don't know and I don't want to count but i know it's alot. More than fifty maybe.

    Number of contacts in your email address book? Uhm, a lot too, from college, HS and elem friends, family, the JM Fanatics and some DNs of course. I'd say more than a hundred maybe.

    What is your wallpaper on your computer? Here at the office, none coz this stupid new computer was programmed that each time I shut down, all the setting go back to default - with no wallpaper. Haven't had time to tinker with it yet and attach a wallpaper here. However, in my laptop, it's this fairy. I love fairies, in case you don't know.

    What is your screensave on your computer? NONE. Screensavers are annoyance IMO. LOOL!

    How many televisions are in your house?
    Two, one in the living room and one in our bedroom which is remote-control-less now. LOL!

    What kitchen appliance do you use the least?
    Uhm, the sandwich maker I think.

    What is the radio station you listen to the most?
    I listen to online Philippine FM - Lite Rock - which plays soft rock all throughout the day and most songs from 70s - my kind of music.


    What do you consider to be your best physical attribute?
    I think my dimple on my right cheek. But three people had said they like my eyes . *shrug*

    Are you right handed or left handed?
    Right handed.

    Do you like your smile?
    Uhm, I had recently appreciated it. LOOL! When my cousin told me I had a nice smile and a friend said it in her testimonial for me in Friendster, so I guess, If they like it, YEAH. LOOL

    Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
    Some teeth and hairs when I pluck eyebrows and moustache. LOOL!

    Would you like to have something removed from your body?
    Oh yeah!!!! The extra fats and folds. LOOL!

    Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom?
    Yes, I do.

    Which of your five senses do you think is keenest?
    Uhm, I think my taste - since I am a very picky eater and can know when I have eaten something I dislike. LOL!

    When was the last time you had a cavity?
    Now, I have some. :( That's why going to the dentist and have them removed and filled will be on my top priority list to do when we go home on March 2007.

    What is the heaviest item you lift regularly?
    Uhm, my purse. My friends are saying I have rocks on my purse. LOOL! But I feel ill at ease when my purse lighter. So it got lots of stuff on it - lotion, lipstick and lipgloss, compact, mirror, comb, my cellphone, wallet, lots of pens, coins, etc. LOL!

    Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
    YES!!!! When I was in second grade and stumbled on a bag strap, hit my head on the floor and passed out, according to witnesses, which until now, I can't really remember.

    **A bunch of stuff-OLOGY**

    If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No, i don't think I want to. It will just make me worry when the day draw near, I think.

    If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?
    Yes, just to get my mother off my back. LOOL! My mother doesn't know how to call another name besides mine. SIGH. Maybe I'll go with Shaylee - recently found this name and found it nice. :D

    How do you express your artistic side?
    I express them through sketching esp. nature scenes, graphics making using PSP and flash, making blogskins, writing, writing, writing and writing.

    What color do you think you look best in?
    I think black and red. LOL!

    How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison?
    Till my sentence ends, I think. LOL!

    Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
    None that I could think of. Heck, I'm a picky eater, sometimes I have to tear apart the food in front of me just to hunt for onions, which I dont like.

    If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at?
    HHHEEECCCKK NOOO!!!! That's just sick, sick, sick!!!!

    How often do you go to church?
    regularly - every week. But lately, we missed some Sundays. :(

    Have you ever saved someones life?
    Hhhmmm...sadly no. Besides, my weak stomach for blood and such would unable me to save someone's life if ever.

    Has someone ever saved yours?
    Yes, when I was small, just a baby, according to our parents, I almost died but the midwife in our place bought me just to severe the ties between me and Sharie that they say, "weakens" me. After I was bought, I got better.


    Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000?
    Make it for 1Mil and you got a deal! :D

    Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Yes, just a smack though.

    Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? NEEVVEEER, even for all the riches in the world.

    Would you never blog again for $50,000? OK, gimme, gimee. I got lots of writing pad and notebooks! *wink*

    Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
    Define your definition of naked. If I have to cover my ...uh, treasures artfully, I might consider it. :D

    Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?NO, sorry I got a weak treshold when it comes to spicy food.

    Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?NEEEVVVEEERR!! Unless if it's really self-defense and that's the only option left.

    Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? I'd do it for $5,000,000.00

    Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?
    YESSSS!!! When we were in HS, our TV broke down and we didnt watch TV for more than a year but we all lived at home. We're not really TV buffs. But now since there's GA, I could still give up TV. After all, I can watch it over my computer. LOL!
    Posted by Sharon at 9/25/2006 06:37:00 PM 3 comments

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